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10 Ways To Lose Weight For The Slugs Amongst Us


All of us want to have a healthy body and remain fit and slim. But it is always quite the bummer to realize that achieving that requires dedication and passion. But that in itself can seem like a lot of work for too many of us.

Several nutritionists are going to suggest several diets which involve a lot of work themselves. Hitting the gym also isn’t an activity that a lot of us really would like to do.

Fortunately, for all the couch potatoes and the people who do not want to workout or maintain diets, here are ten ways of still losing that weight:

  1. Drink Water Before Eating

Water is the elixir of life, our bodies are mostly made up of water. Hence, it is more than obvious when one says that our bodies are highly benefitted with this liquid. It aids digestion, speeds up metabolism, and cuts down the appetite, thus helps us eat less. Drink a glass or two of water half an hour prior to meals to make use of this benefit.

  1. Respect What You Eat

It is best to pay attention to what we are eating; all the trivial activities that we engage in can wait. Savoring the food at a slower pace will also make us eat less conclusively.

  1. Make Use of Small Plates And Omit Bowls

We will consume a lot less food if we take smaller portions using smaller plates. Supplementing this practice with a smaller spoon or chopstick is additionally beneficial.

  1. Get More Sleep

Getting sound sleep will improve metabolism as well as burn calories.

  1. Sleeping In A Cold Environment

Sleeping in a cold environment makes our bodies burn more amount of fat, especially when the temperature is below 19 degree Celsius.

  1. Consume Fat Burning Foods

Foods like hot peppers, salmon, eggs, olive oil, and nuts are going to assist you in living healthily as well as keep your weight in check.

  1. Don’t Restrict Yourself from Eating Food You Love

This advice is very important for a lot of us who love a lot of fattening foods. It is advised to not exclude anything from the diet but to regulate its quantities. Any sort of prohibition will lead to stress which can lead to eating significantly more. Hence, it is recommended that one regulates how much of something is eaten rather than cutting it all out.

  1. Brushing The Teeth

Brushing the teeth after the consumption of meals will assist us is keeping away from ingestion before the stipulated time.

  1. Laughter

As the old adage goes “Laughter is the best medicine”, laughter is very good for stress relief as well as burning those unwanted calories.

  1. Hot Compress

Use heat to reduce fat from body parts which are your problem areas. Use a towel dipped in warm water or a hairdryer.

We hope these methods will help you attain good results without having to starve or strain your body. Good luck!

10 Ways To Lose Weight For The Slugs Amongst Us

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