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Recipe For A Chia Seed Drink That Quickly Dissolves Fat In The Stomach


The results are seen in a one week, and it is a great chia seed drink that. Apart from melting the excess fat, works great for your health because it is full of antioxidants, fibers, vitamins …

If you want to get rid of your “fat-belt” on your stomach, just get a drink that’s easy to make and it helps to get rid of excess fat. It’s a combination of chia seeds, honey, lemon and water in exact quantities.

People who have tried this weight loss method say that it really helps, and the results are seen in a week. In addition, these are ingredients that are very good for your health so your whole body will benefit from drinking this chia seed drink.

Also, chia seeds are well known as excellent antioxidants, and they are full of fibers.

Chia seed drink recipe:


  • A spoon of chia seeds
  • A spoon of honey
  • Juice of a whole lemon
  • One and a half glass of water (glass of 2.5 dl)


Put the chia seeds in the water and leave it for an hour (you can put them in the water in the evening, and leave them through the night and add other ingredients in the morning). Add lemon juice and honey and stir well. If you want the beverage to have a smooth texture, put it in a blender.

How to Use:

Drink that every morning on empty stomach.

Enjoy Chia Seed drink at Breakfast

Because starting your day with a meal that contains chia will assist you to shed pounds. Not solely is eating breakfast connectеd to higher weight control but beginning your day with a fiber-rich food like chia may help you feel full longer and avoid snacking throughout the morning.
Include chia in different meals to assist your weight-loss efforts. Create a healthy and filling chia “pudding” with mixture whole chia seeds in non sweet almond milk

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